Cisco 800 Series Routers

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800 Series models

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890 Series

890 Series


  • Ready for Cisco Intelligent WAN
  • Switch and router in one device
  • Run multiple applications simultaneously
  • High-performance, high-application experience
  • Support for 802.11a/b/g/n and 4G LTE


880 Series

880 Series


  • Connectivity for up to 20 users
  • WAN redundancy with 3G and 4G options
  • Excellent for PBX and IP telephony voice support
  • Enhanced security and wireless options


860 Series

860 Series


  • Connectivity for up to 10 users
  • Desktop form factor and fanless design
  • WAN connectivity with VADSL or Ethernet
  • Wi-Fi for integrated WAN or Wi-Fi at home


810 Series

810 Series


  • Hardened and nonhardened form factors
  • Lightweight, compact, low power consumption
  • Dual-SIM option for always-on connectivity
  • For machine-to-machine use cases


800M Series

800M Series


  • Integrated security and application services
  • Choice of wireless WAN services and providers
  • High-availability multihoming and dual WAN ports
  • Application hosting capability



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